In addition to the invited lectures of the symposium poster presentations are also welcome to encourage the participation of young scientists and researchers from both academic and industrial background.
Participants interested in presenting a poster are kindly requested to submit their one-page abstract online via the Conference website latest by 10 September 2019 (extended deadline).
Authors will receive notification on acceptance latest by 20 September 2019.
Main topics:
- Flow Photochemistry
- Flow Electrochemistry
- Lab-of-the Future (LOTF)
- Emerging: technologies, instruments, information technology and integration
- Emerging: chemistry, catalysis and safety
- Industrial applications in East-Central Europe
The Poster Committee of the FROST7 offer awards to the best two poster authors. You can find more information at: ./awards/
Abstracts should be prepared and submitted according to the instructions below:
Language of the submitted abstract: English
The maximum length of the summary is one A/4 page
Text files should not contain headers or footers
For more detailed information such as the font type, font size, margin, and so forth, please download and refer to the ‘Abstract Template’ below.
Download template in .DOC document
It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific fact in the abstract text will be reproduced as received from the author.
Online abstract submission
Log in with existing accountRegistration for new users
Poster presentations
The useful area of the poster board is 90 cm at width and 125 cm at height. The recommended size for your poster is about the standing A0 standard (cca. 84 x 119 cm). Pins and adhesive tapes will be provided to fix the posters. Posters will be identified by posters numbers, which are printed in the final program.